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Cashews are high in copper which makes it great for Energy and Antioxidant Protection.


Serves 50 people

Recipe Directions

We make this batch 1Kg at a time. Just half a kilo at time might be a better bet for most housholds of 2 or more people depending on how much you use.  Has a life of at least a week in the fridge and possibly a lot more (never seems to last long around here).  So soak the cashews and dates for at least a couple of hours or better yet overnight.

Throw everything into the blender and blast on high until thick and creamy.

It is a good idea to start with ¼ cup of water, and then gradually thin it out in order to achieve the desired thickness.

**Please note – you will need a high speed blender in order to achieve a really creamy consistency. With a conventional blender, you must soak the cashews by covering with room temperature water for about 4 hours or the quick way (albeit not raw) by covering with boiling water for 15 minutes.

Vitamins Distribution

Vitamin / Mineral(%)Recommended Daily Intake
copper  (49)
phosphorus  (17)
manganese  (17)
magnesium  (15)
zinc  (11)
vitamin C  (2)
vitamin E  (0)
folate  (0)
vitamin B2  (0)
iron  (0)
calcium  (0)
vitamin B3  (0)
potassium  (0)

The above graph is an indication of the percentages for each vitamin and mineral that the recipe provides for you. The numbers are the percentage of the Recommended daily intake, 100 means that is all you require for that vitamin or mineral for 1 day. *Note above percentages are based on USDA Figures, effects of cooking and juicing will affect these figures, use as a guideline only. For slow juicing Typically 20-30 percent is lost and 80-90% of the fibre is lost.


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